Lesson Main Question: How do we present our results from neutron scattering to a billionaire?
Lesson Title: The Billionaire II (90 min)
Student Section
The Story so Far
Mr Tusk has given you three boxes with mystery samples. You have used neutron scattering techniques to find out, what the samples contain. Now, you need to present your specific results as well as neutron scattering in general to Tusk. The hope is that Mr. Tusk will fund your future research.
Set up work with presentations
Talk to the chief scientist about which group covers what. Make sure that each group covers a different aspect of neutron scattering. You are presenting your research as a joint group – so you all have to support each other. Each group will prepare a 3-5 minute presentation.
Working on presentation
Make your part of a presentation for Mr. Tusk, explaining neutron scattering techniques and your findings. You can read about making a scientific presentation here. Work with your group to create a presentation that both explains an aspect of neutron scattering, as well as presenting your findings in regards to the mystery materials.
Viewing of presentations
Give and view presentations – the chief scientist will figure out how you do it practically. Use this rubric to provide feedback to other groups
Adjustments and hand-in
Based on the feedback from your peers and your chief scientist, revise the presentation before handing it in.
Teacher Section
Description of Lesson
In this lesson, students will collaboratively create a presentation for Mr. Leon Tusk. Each group will contribute a 3-5 minute video or a written presentation, explaining their aspect of neutron scattering. The combined work will showcase the merits of neutron scattering to Mr. Tusk and provide answers about the mystery materials that the students spent the previous lesson analyzing.
Note: We have given suggestions for the duration of each of of the activities below. These suggestions are based on a students completing the lesson in 90 minutes. Depending on your goals and the class, you may want to either expand or on these suggestions for duration. Some classes may benefit from more time to do Activity 3: Working on presentation. If so, you can split the lesson in two and have students either work on it next time you see them and/or have them work on it as homework. Both strategies will likely demand more than 90 minutes.
Note: Having completed Lesson 2, you can orchestrate a structured assessment dialogue. This could be done in the beginning of the next lesson. At the end of Lesson 2, you can select a student and 4-5 feedback students so they have time to prepare (see description of the structured assessment dialogue).
Materials List for Lesson
-Race-to-space website (racetospace.eu)
-Printout of guide for making a scientific presentation
-Rubric for presentation
Activity 1: The story so far
In the role of head scientist at ESA, explain to the students that Mr Tusk is coming to the hear their presentations today, and that it is very important that they make a good impression, as he might donate funding. Remark that you wonder about his motives for giving ESA those exact samples (for instance, why lithium?
Suggested duration of this activity: 5 min
Activity 2: Set up work with presentations
Define how the material can be divided into sub topics, so that each group’s presentation covers something new.
Suggested duration of this activity: 10 min
Activity 3: Working on presentation
Provide students with feedback while each group are working on their presentation.
Suggested duration of this activity: 35 min.
Activity 4: Viewing of presentation
Each group present their presentation. Using the rubric for presentations students provide peer-to-peer feedback that qualifies their product.
You can do this as a plenary activity, where all groups present in front of the whole class, or you can consider pairing groups in presenting.
Suggested duration of this activity: 20 min
Activity 5: Adjustments and hand-in
Based on the feedback, students adjust the material they presented. At the end of the lesson, they hand in the final product. You can also let them finish the presentations as homework to be handed in after class.
Suggested duration of this activity: 20 min
Expected Products from Lesson
A joint video presentation or a joint written product.